Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Everything is a game. Including our everyday lives. But gaming in its literal sense, a form of play or sport that proceeds competitively in which your succes is based on your skill, strength and luck has been around for decades.

Digital Games, also known as Video Games, on the other hand are essentially about 30 years old. For the first time humans took gaming to a whole different level. Digital Games allow you to be in whatever world you desire doing what ever activity you want. Whether its playing basketball at the NBA championships or shooting an Afghani in Afghanistan, this age of gaming allows for this level of sophistication.  We are yet to create the worlds at a level indistinguishable from reality - this is not the case with  CGI for movies. In movies CGI can now create worlds and characters indistinguishable, to the average human eye, from reality.

Unlike other forms of gaming, where the pleasure and satisfaction one gets are more singular, i.e Poker, with Video Games you are, as if, living a life. You are living the life of the character. Right now the character's feelings and senses are only communicated visually and through the vibration of the controller. But soon the player will be able to sense what the character feels and senses first hand.

At some point games took a more narrative root. This came from the movies with some games stylized to look like a movie. Some games even restrict you in what you can do to give you more of that movie feel.

Gaming is an interactive medium. Video Games have an intelligence of their own.

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